Over the years, I have participated actively in a wide range of conferences. Given the extraordinary amount of time I would typically invest in preparing my presentations and the totality with which I would immerse myself in conference sessions and activities, it seems clear that I have used conferences as an anvil of sorts on which to hammer out ideas. This usually translated to presentations that packed more detail into them then would be wise, or even kind, and that veered at times in directions, or to depths, that again might not have been wise or kind. I should thank all those people who have indulged me over the years and especially those who took up the gauntlet and challenged me on specific points.
Of the feedback I have received over the years a few stand out as ones that are worth a chuckle:
- "erudite and baffling"
- "always entertaining, sometimes informative"
- "you invoked Virgil and Lady Gaga in a single sentence - who does that?"
The following list contains some of the presentations I have given at conferences over the years (also registered are a few fortunate events where audiences were spared full presentations but where I was rarely silent):
- The Unlikely (But Necessary) Marriage of Content & Engineering. Lavacon Conference (Portland OR, 2024)
- The Donut of Equivalence: Integrating XML into Real-World Solutions. Balisage Markup Languages Conference (Virtual, 2024)
- Neuromancer: The Future of Content is Already Here. CIDM ConVEx Conference (Minneapolis MN, 2024)
- Content 4.0: Human Knowledge in the Age of the Smart Machine. Lavacon Conference (San Diego CA, 2023)
- The Secret Life of Content. CIDM ConVEx Conference (Virtual, CIDM, 2020)
- Use Your Words: The Business of Content. Lavacon 2020 (Virtual, 2020)
- Mark My Words: The Mechanics of Content. Lavacon 2020 (Virtual, 2020)
- A Content Manifesto for the Digital World. IDEAS Online Conference (Virtual, CIDM, 2020).
- Applying DITA to the Next Generation of Health Information. DITA North America (Virtual, CIDM, 2020). Delivered in collaboration with EBSCO Clinical Decisions.
- The Economics of Content. Lavacon Conference (Virtual, 2019)
- Conversational DITA: Using DITA for Chatbots and Voice Assistants. Adobe DITA World (Online conference, 2018). Delivered in collaboration with Kristen Toole of Adobe.
- A lite DITA+ model for Technical Manuals. Balisage: The Markup Conference (Virtual, 2018). Presented remotely in collaboration with Pradeep Jain of Ictect.
- DITA and Master Content Models: The Marriage between Structure and Semantics. CM Strategies / DITA North America (Denver CO, 2018)
- Content Technologies in the National Capital Region. Adobe Day (Ottawa Canada, 2017)
- Steering towards DITA 4.0. Virtual Keynote. DITA Europe (Virtual, 2017)
- Engineering Content 4.0. Virtual Keynote. Lavacon (Virtual, 2017)
- Innovating with Information. Virtual Keynote. CIDM Best Practices (Virtual, 2017)
- Digital Transformation and the Business of Content. Virtual Keynote. Lavacon Europe (Virtual, 2017)
- Digital Transformation and the Business of DITA. CM Strategies / DITA North America (San Diego CA, 2017)
- Three Projects One Lesson: Case Study. CM Strategies / DITA North America (San Diego CA, 2017).
- The Brave New World of Technical Communications. Keynote. Spectrum 2017 (STC, Rochester NY, 2017)
- Engineering Content: The Discipline of Designing Future-Ready Content.
Spectrum 2017 (STC, Rochester NY, 2017) - Moments in Quiet Leadership. Spectrum 2017 (STC, Rochester NY, 2017)
- Be It Resolved: We are Ready for Industry 4.0? Plenary Debate, DITA Europe 2016 (Munich Germany, 2016)
- Information 4.0 for Industry 4.0. Tekom / TCWorld 2016 (Stuttgart Germany, 2016)
- Mastering Content 4.0 & Other Unnatural Acts. Keynote. Lavacon 2016 (Las Vegas NV, 2016)
- Tales from the Crypt: Content Projects that went Horribly Wrong. Lavacon 2016 (Las Vegas NV, 2016)
- So You Want a CMS? Workshop. (Las Vegas NV, 2016)
- Are You Ready for Content 4.0? CIDM Best Practices (Santa Fe NM, 2016)
- Publishing Educational Content with DITA. CM Strategies / DITA North America (Reston VA, 2016)
- Managing DITA. DITA Europe 2015 (Munich Germany, 2015)
- Selling DITA. DITA Open Toolkit Day 2015, Syncro Soft (Munich Germany, 2015)
- Practical Steps towards Integrated Content Management. Tekom / TCWorld 2015 (Stuttgart Germany, 2015)
- The Dark Arts of Content Leadership (Keynote). Lavacon 2015 (New Orleans LA, 2015)
- The Birth of Content. CIDM Best Practices (St. Petersburg FL, 2015)
- Integrated Content Management (Keynote). Information Energy 2015 (Utrecht Netherlands, 2015)
- Snakes & Ladders: Content Collaboration Workshop. Information Energy 2015 (Utrecht Netherlands, 2015). A collaboration with Nolwenn Kerzreho. Also delivered at CIDM Best Practices & Lavacon.
- DITA - What is it good for? CM Strategies / DITA North America (Chicago IL, 2015)
- Lean DITA: Lean Manufacturing and DITA. DITA Europe 2014 (Munich Germany, 2014)
- Information Discovery & the Digital Office. Government Technology 2014 (Ottawa ON, 2014)
- Ten Secrets to Content Initiative Success. Lavacon 2014 (Portland OR, 2014)
- The Nuts & Bolts of Content Strategy. Digital Strategies (Workshop. Ottawa ON, 2014)
- White Knuckle Content Strategy. Digital Strategies (Ottawa ON, 2014)
- Applying Qualitative Research to CM Projects. CIDM Best Practices (Stevenson WA, 2014).
A collaboration with Rebekka Andersen (UC Davis). - Jumping to Lightspeed: Adapting to Global Realities. STC Summit 2014 (Spotlight Session. Phoenix AZ, 2014)
- Content Strategy, Technology, Engineering, Management & Solutions: A Practical Introduction.
STC Summit 2014 (Pre-Conference Workshop. Phoenix AZ, 2014) - DITA and Metadata. CM Strategies / DITA North America (Seattle WA, 2014)
- So You Want to be a Content Engineer. Intelligent Content Conference 2014 (San Jose CA, 2014)
- DITA and the Integrated Product Lifecycle. DITA Europe 2013 (Munich Germany, 2013)
- Content Modelling Workshop. Tekom / TCWorld 2013 (Wiesbaden Germany, 2013)
- A Guide to XML Content Standards. Tekom / TCWorld 2013 (Wiesbaden Germany, 2013)
- Breaking Bad Content. Keynote. Lavacon 2013 (Portland OR, 2013)
- Content on Top. Lavacon 2013 (Portland OR, 2013)
- Streamlining Content Processes with Structured Business Process Modeling.
Lavacon 2013 (Portland OR, 2013). A Collaboration with Jackie Damrau. - The Technical Communicator in the Integrated Product Lifecycle.
Lavacon 2013 Adobe Day (Portland OR, 2013) - Vertical Content Integration. CIDM Best Practices (Savannah GA, 2013)
- Adventures in Cross-Jurisdictional Service Integration. Digital Strategies (Ottawa ON, 2013)
- The Joy of Reuse. CM Strategies / DITA North America (Providence RI, 2013)
- Professional Publishing: Intelligent eBooks for Working Professionals.
Intelligent Content 2013 (San Francisco CA, 2013) - Planning an Intelligent Content Project (Workshop). Tekom / TCWorld 2012 (Wiesbaden Germany, 2012)
- Intelligent Content in the Real World. Tekom / TCWorld 2012 (Wiesbaden Germany, 2012)
- Thinking Strategically about Intelligent Content. Localization World 2012 (Seattle WA, 2012)
- The Accidental Content Strategist. Content Strategy Workshop (Portland OR, 2012)
- Integrated Content Teams. Lavacon 2012 (Portland OR, 2012)
- Intelligent Content Strategies. STC Summit 2012 (Chicago IL, 2012)
- Content Strategy: A Dangerous Method. Confab 2012 (Minneapolis MN, 2012)
- Beauty & the Beast: Two Paths to DITA. CM Strategies / DITA North America (La Jolla CA, 2012)
- Content Strategy is Super-Hard. Panelist. SXSW (Austin TX, 2012)
- XML without Tears. Intelligent Content 2012 (Palm Springs CA, 2012)
- The Anatomy of Content Management. Intelligent Content 2012 (Palm Springs CA, 2012)
- The Content Revolution. Keynote. LavaCon 2011 (Austin TX, 2011)
- Implementing DITA Solutions with Content Scenarios. DITA Europe 2011 (Prague, Czech Republic, 2011)
- An Introduction to Intelligent Content Strategies. Tekom / TCWorld 2011 (Wiesbaden, Germany, 2011)
- DITA, S1000D and Other Challenges. XML Summer School (Oxford UK, 2011)
- S1000D User Forum. Panelist. Aerospace Industries Association (Montreal QC, 2011)
- Showcase: Content Scenarios. Information Development Management Best Practices (San Antonio TX, 2011)
- Panelist. STC Summit 2011. Society for Technical Communication (Sacramento CA, 2011)
- Killer DITA Apps. CM Strategies / DITA North America (Baltimore MD, 2011)
- Implementing Intelligent Content Solutions. Intelligent Content 2011 (Palm Springs CA, 2011)
- Industrial DITA. CM Strategies / DITA Europe 2010 (Vienna Austria, 2010)
- Intelligent Content and the Future of eHealth. J Boye 2010 (Philadelphia PA, 2010)
- The Future of DITA. CM Strategies / DITA North America 2010 (Santa Clara CA, 2010)
- Intelligent Content Management. Intelligent Content 2010 (Palm Springs CA, 2010)
- Making DITA Work. CM Strategies / DITA Europe 2009 (Munich, Germany, 2009)
- The Reason & Passion of XML. XML-in-Practice 2009 (Arlington VA, 2009)
- Beyond Publishing. Opening Keynote. Web Content 2009 (Chicago IL, 2009)
- Engineering Web Content. Web Content 2009 (Chicago IL, 2009)
- Panelist. S1000D User Forum. Aerospace Industries Association (Hilton Head SC, 2009)
- Content Archaeology: Raiders of the Lost Art. DocTrain West (Palm Springs CA, 2009)
- Finding Balance in Solution Development. Carleton University Media Technology Program (Ottawa ON, 2009)
- Content Fusion. Featured Speaker. Intelligent Content 2009 (Palm Springs CA, 2009)
- Applying Ockham's Razor to XML Solutions. XML-in-Practice 2008 (Arlington VA, 2008)
- Streamlining Content Processes. XML-in-Practice 2008 (Arlington VA, 2008)
- The Truth about Content (and its Management). Closing Keynote DocTrain East (Burlington MA, 2008)
- Content Oriented Architectures. Opening Keynote. DocTrain East (Burlington MA, 2008)
- Mommy, where do airplanes come from? The Curious Life of Engineering Standards.
ATA e-Business / S1000 User Forum (Budapest, Hungary, 2008) - Streamlining Aircraft Documentation with Just Enough Technology (JET)
ATA e-Business / S1000 User Forum (Budapest, Hungary, 2008) - Enterprise Content Management Workshop. (Three Day Seminar. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2008)
- Content & Collaboration Conference. Gartner (Baltimore ML, 2008)
- Ensuring Information Quality in Healthcare. Keynote DocTrain Life Sciences (Indianapolis IN, 2008)
- A Tale of Two Healthcare Portals. DocTrain Life Sciences (Indianapolis IN, 2008)
- XML in the Wilderness. Keynote. DocTrain West (Vancouver BC, 2008)
- Delivering Information Products. DocTrain West (Vancouver BC, 2008)
- Extreme Content Makeover: Migrating Content to DITA. DocTrain West (Vancouver BC, 2008)
- The Ins and Outs of Content Conversion. CM Strategies / DITA North America (Santa Clara CA, 2008)
- The Framework Age. Opening Keynote. Content Convergence & Integration (Vancouver BC, 2008)
- Web 2.0 and the End of DITA. Content Convergence & Integration (Vancouver BC, 2008)
- Engineering Content for a Connected Age. Content Convergence & Integration (Vancouver BC, 2008)
- Demonstration Based Development. Carleton University IT Program (Ottawa ON, 2008)
- Why DITA Matters. Closing Keynote. DocTrain East (Lowell MA, 2007)
- Practical Content Management. DocTrain East (Lowell MA, 2007)
- Implementing S1000D in the Real World. Tutorial. DocTrain East (Lowell MA, 2007)
- An Implementer’s Guide to XML Standards. XML@Boeing (Seattle WA, 2007)
- Accelerating DITA. DITA East 2007 (Raleigh NC, 2007)
- Secrets of DITA Success. DITA East 2007 (Raleigh NC, 2007)
- Interactive Technical Information Publishing. X-Pubs 2007 (Reading UK, 2007)
- Leveraging the Relative Strengths of S1000D & DITA. S1000D User Forum (Melbourne, Australia, 2007)
- Content Engineering. Tutorial. XML Finland (Naantali, Finland, 2007)
- Extreme DITA in the Aerospace Sector. XML Finland (Naantali, Finland, 2007)
- Knowledge Appliances. Carleton University IT Program (Ottawa ON, 2007)
- Web 2.0 and the New Collaboration Paradigm. XML@Boeing (Seattle WA, 2006)
- Knowledge Preservation. Panelist. Government Technology Conference (Ottawa ON, 2006)
- XML 2006. Session Chair. Idealliance / GCA (Boston MA, 2006)
- A Technical Information Reuse Case Study. X-Pubs 2006 (London UK, 2006)
- S1000D User Forum. Panelist. Aerospace Industries Association (Clearwater FL, 2006)
- XML and Product Development. Carleton University IT Program (Ottawa ON, 2006)
- KM World. Information Today (San Jose CA, 2005)
- Content in the Wild: DITA and Evolving Systems. XML Users Group of Ottawa (Ottawa ON, 2005)
- Managing Software as Knowledge. Defence Software Engineering Conference (Ottawa ON, 2005)
- A Business Introduction to XML. Tutorial. XML 2003 (Philadelphia PN, 2003)
- Saving $100 Million a Year with XML. Case Study. Arbortext User Group (San Antonio TX, 2003)
- Making Money with XML and other Unnatural Acts. XML Users Group of Ottawa (Ottawa ON, 2003)
- XML in the Public Sector. Data Processing Institute Symposium (Ottawa ON, 2003)
- Delivering Information & Services with XML. XIA Symposium (Ottawa ON, 2003)
- Super-Integration: The Next Big Thing. Keynote. XML World 2002 (New Orleans LA, 2002)
- XML and Web Services. Tutorial. XML World 2002 (New Orleans LA, 2002)
- XML and Legacy Systems. Keynote. XML World 2001 (San Francisco CA, 2001)
- Open Architectures & Nested Portals. Closing Keynote. Portal World 2001 (Washington D.C., 2001)
- The Business of Sharing. Opening Keynote. Portal World 2001 (Washington D.C., 2001)
- XML and Democracy. Keynote. XML World Europe 2001 (Amsterdam NL, 2001)
- XML Business Templates. XML 2000 (Washington D.C., 2000)
- XML: The Joy of Structure. Keynote. XML World 2000 (Boston MA, 2000)
- Making XML Work. Keynote. American Suppliers Assoc. E-Commerce Summit (Chicago IL, 2000)
- Knowledge Management and XML. Seybold (Boston MA, 1999)
- Managing Knowledge in the Fractal Enterprise. Keynote. Documation (Toronto ON, 1999)
- Why XML. Bellanet International Development Workshop (Ottawa ON, 1999)
- XML and Complex Systems. XML Symposium - Microsoft Users Group (Ottawa ON, 1998)
- Breaking the Paper Paradigm. Publish 98 (Montreal QC, 1998)
- Guided Authoring and Simplified English. Documation (Toronto ON, 1998)
- Building Meta-Systems using XML. Tutorial. Documation (Toronto ON, 1998)
- Forecasting the XML Market. Keynote. XML World 1998 (Ottawa ON, 1998)
- XML and UML: Building Better Solutions. XML World 1998 (Ottawa ON, 1998)
- XML and EDI. XML World 1998 (Ottawa ON, 1998)
- Building a Real Document Management System: A Case Study. Documation 1997 (Toronto ON, 1997)
- Managing Technical Content with Standards. International STEP Conference (Orlando FL, 1997)
- Mixing the Linear & Non-Linear: the Real World of Documents. Defence Symposium (Ottawa ON, 1997)
- Coordinating SGML Projects to Maximize Enterprise Benefits. CALS Expo (Long Beach CA, 1996)
- STEP, SGML and the Standardization Process. International STEP Conference (Toronto ON, 1996)
- The Future of Document Management on the Web. Documation (Toronto ON, 1996)
- HTML++: Tailoring SGML for the Web. Keynote. Softquad Symposium (Ottawa ON, 1996)
- Understanding the Intelligence behind the Internet. Open Standards Course (Ottawa ON, 1996)
- Enterprise Integration with SGML. Keynote. SGML Technologies 1996 (Ottawa ON, 1996)
- Accepting the Reality of Hybrid Data. Case Study. CALS Expo (Long Beach CA, 1995)
- SGML and the Future of Client-Vendor Relations. Internetworking (Ottawa ON, 1995)
- Re-engineering Government Procurement. CALS Europe (Paris FR, 1994)
- CALS and the Extended Enterprise. Canadian CALS Industry Steering Group Conference (Ottawa ON, 1994)
- Procurement Reform in the Canadian Government. United States CALS Industry Steering Group Symposium. US DoD CALS ISG (Washington D.C., 1993)
- Procurement Reform in the Canadian Government. Canadian CALS Industry Steering Group Conference. (Montreal QC, 1993)